Thursday, December 19, 2013

The Three Levels of the Mind

Using these three levels of the mind for the glory of God is the key to real success and long lasting happiness in this world.
On the other hand, knowing how to use these potentials but using it in a wrong way can also bring great disaster and misery.  One classic example was Hitler who somehow understood how the human mind works and used these skills to hypnotize the people of Germany to follow his selfish plans that eventually brought disaster, death and tragedy.

The Conscious Mind
            The conscious mind is the gatekeeper of our senses.  We use this level to perceive, interpret and judge whatever information we receive from our senses – touch, hearing, sight, smell and taste.  One can choose what kind of information he wants to pass to the mind – either negative or positive information.  The conscious mind serves as a filter that only allow that information we perceive to enter. 
            Man has a complete control over his conscious mind.  In Sigmund Freud's psychoanalytic theory of personality, the conscious mind consists of everything inside of our awareness. This is the aspect of our mental processing that we can think and talk about in a rational way (Kendra, Retrieved 2013).
            When one is dwelling always on the positive things, he or she is filtering those negative things to enter his mind but only allowing the positive.  Interpreting in a positive way even a bad situation is the job of the unconscious mind. 
This is also the level in which man uses in making decisions. The conscious mind weighs and analyzes things.
The secret here is focus. Whatever your conscious mind focuses each day it will eventually transformed the person to become what he always think of.  Knowing this secret will put man already half-way of reaching his goal. Visualizing yourself as already reaching your goal, reading and writing it every day will help you internalized your goals.  It will prepare yourself for receiving whatever you ask from God and develop yourself in reaching your dreams in life.

The Subconscious Mind
            If the conscious mind is the gatekeeper of our senses, the subconscious mind is the operating system that control all our body organs and functions, shapes our habits and personalities.        Whatever we allow, perceive and always think of in our conscious mind it will proceed and be accepted by the subconscious mind. 
When positive things are deposited in the subconscious the result will be a positive personality. Whatever you dwell upon you become since the subconscious mind will shape you and program you to be that thing you always think of. 
The subconscious mind never rest even when we are sleeping.  It does its work faithfully.  Those things we deposited in our subconscious mind will sometimes be express through dreams. The subconscious mind is subject to the conscious mind.  
By entering into a sleepy, drowsy state, effort is reduced to a minimum. The conscious mind is submerged to a great extent when in a sleepy state. The reason for this is that the highest degree of outcropping of the subconscious occurs prior to sleep and just after we awaken. In this state the negative thoughts, which tend to neutralize your desire and so prevent acceptance by your subconscious mind, are no longer present (Murphy, 1963, Mcgrath, Retrieved 2013).  We can tap the subconscious mind in a drowsy state.  It is in this state where the conscious mind is brought into a minimum thus the depositing of idea to the subconscious mind is faster since the filter which is the conscious mind is half awake.  It is in this way in which a Psycho hypnotist works in suggesting ideas to his client.  He brings his client into a trance and utter suggestions to him.

Knowing this secret one can tap the subconscious mind in treating disease and sickness.  Allow yourself to be very relaxed and drowsy – half awake and half asleep.  While on this state, repeat over and over again a positive statement of healing until you fall asleep.  Using visualization by imagining yourself as already healed and already performing your normal routines is also effective as using positive affirmations.  The subconscious mind will interpret those affirmations and visualizations as truth from the conscious mind and will shape your dysfunctional body organs to healing according to your request. 
Not only in healing you can use your subconscious mind but in every area of your life, be it on financial, in forming habits, love life, business and reaching your goals.  Just think about them every day especially in a drowsy state and your subconscious mind will transform you or prepare you to receive whatever you ask for. 
Whatever you think you are.  If you think you are healthy you will be healthy.  If you think you are handsome then you will be.  If you think you are rich then you will be.  If you think you are a loving person then you will be that person.

The Super-Conscious
            This is the level of the mind in which the great men are using in doing great things.  It is in this level of the mind in which Isaac Newton receive an inspiration from God through a dream to discover electricity as well as Albert Einstein doing his mathematical formula, Beethoven a deaf man composing his musical master piece and many other great fellows who did extra ordinary thing.
            This is the level of the mind in which God talks to us through His holy spirit.  It is in this level that we receive inspiration, solutions and intuitions from Him.  The Super-Conscious Mind is the source of all creativity, all intuition, all flashes of insight, all hunches. The Super-Conscious Mind is the source of inspiration and motivation and the ability to see things in a brand new way. The Super-Conscious Mind is the source of new ideas that help us move toward goal-attainment. And the super-conscious mind is available to each one of us, like a power source that we can plug into simply by finding the plug (Tracy, 2009, Retrieved 2013).
             We can use this level efficiently if we have a clear, quiet, focus, relax and peaceful, united mind with God.  A stress mind and confused mind can hardly receive inspiration from Him.  Because of busyness and anxieties of this world man can’t sense the inner voice of God. 
The one who receives inspiration is quite tranquil and unconcerned about what is coming.  Certainly he is desirous of receiving something; he is passionately longing to conceive it. It is by focusing his mind to the divine mind that, consciously or unconsciously, man receives inspiration (Khan, 2005, Retrieved 2013). 
            We can achieve this state of receiving inspiration from God through meditation.  There are many techniques being develop as a form of meditation such as listening to subliminal music, soft classical music, emptying the mind, prayer and Bible readings, and many others.
            Be specific and clearly know what you are asking and then forget about it for sometimes and do your tasks.  Sometimes inspiration will come while we are doing something and we have a strong feeling on those hunches.  Act on it right away or you will forget the very solution to your problem.  I believe the Universe (Divine, God, or whatever It is for you) sends an idea into the mental world to several people at the same time.  The Divine knows not all of those people will take action.  In a way, it’s just covering its bet.  The person who takes action on the idea fastest is first to market, and usually the first to profit the most. The others can still act on the idea and still do well, but generally speaking, the first to come out of the gate with a new idea is the first to cash in big on it (Vitale, 2007, Retrieved 2013).

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