Sunday, December 29, 2013

The Road To Success Is Downhill

The road to success is not uphill but downhill.  When you view this way you will find your journey toward success as fun and easy with less struggle or no struggle at all.

Traditionally people view the road to success as uphill.  Going uphill requires strength and more struggle to reach the top and therefore there is no fun doing it but hardship.  This might be true but your life will be filled of painstaking effort just to reach your dreams.

But when you started viewing the road to success as downhill, you will begin to enjoy your every journey. The journey will be no effort at all.  The process of attaining your goal would be much more enjoyable than reaching your goal.  

Most people don't reach their goals in life because they are afraid to try or make mistakes.

Successful people are bold people.  They do something that other people are afraid to do.  A person who lives always in safe mode will not go anywhere.  But success favors the bold.

Don't be afraid to fail but instead make failures as your friend by learning from it.  Understand that failures only reveal things that do not work out.  So don't be afraid to fail.

Trusting God and letting go of your plans to Him frees you of worry and making your journey easy and fun. God will provide all your needs to reach your dreams in life as long as you trust on Him.

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