Sunday, December 29, 2013


  A person who is inner-directed knows specifically and clearly what he wants.  This means that he has a vision or a goal based on his own conviction and not because others told you to do so. 
            They see clearly what would be their life by constantly fixing on that goal each day and visualizing self as if you have already attained that goal.  Where there is no vision, the people perish (Psalm 29:18).  As one does this, the whole system of that person including mind, body and spirit is being ready to achieve that goal.  The person will be alert to see opportunities, even connections toward persons related to that goal.  Inspiration from God will come in as you have that peace and a clear mind. The only left to do is action and you are brought each day closer toward your dreams.

            Another aspect of being inner directed is being fully responsible of your own destiny.  You are not putting your success upon other people, the government, the situation, affiliation but making success dependent from within.  It’s our own choice that makes up our life and we are responsible of our both successes and failures.  Even when there is no opportunity, an inner directed person makes his own opportunity.
           Inner-directed person learn to master the circumstances rather than allowing the circumstances to master them.  We don't have control over our environment but we do have complete control over our thoughts and how we interpret every event we experience.  
           They take full responsibility over the success of their lives and drew strength from within.  They know that they can make a difference in the world by working on themselves first and then influence others.

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