Sunday, December 29, 2013

The Power of the Subconscious Mind

                Our Subconscious Mind has the power to make our goals and dreams become a reality.   Miss using it, can ruin our life!  So what is the Subconscious Mind and how can we use it as a powerful tool in achieving anything we desire in life?

                The Subconscious Mind is what makes our actions become automatic.  It works like a computer program that conditions our body to do specific actions in the form of a habit or doing day to day activities.  For example, you don’t need to think and be conscious of your every step you are taking when you are walking.

                The Subconscious Mind never sleeps.  It controls all the functions of your body systems such as heart beating, the circulation of your blood and other important roles necessary for your survival.

                Knowing everything, the Subconscious Mind reveals secret and can guide you towards your goal if you know how to use it in the right way.  The Subconscious Mind is our gateway in receiving inspiration from God or The Universe.

Your Subconscious Mind is not limited with space and time so that you can employ it for the benefit of a loved one living in another area without physically being there.

If the Subconscious mind is so powerful and amazing, why is it that not everyone is happy, healthy or successful?  The answer lies with how you use your Subconscious Mind. 

The only limitation of the Subconscious Mind is his being subject to your Conscious Mind.  We will talk about it in my next email.  We will also review how to use your Subconscious Mind correctly. 

 The Power of Your Subconsciousmind ---------------->

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