Sunday, December 29, 2013

How to Effectively Pray?

               Today we are going to talk about prayer and belief in relation with your subconscious mind.  Let us talk about prayer first.

                No matter what is your affiliation, belief or religion, I bet you do pray.  Prayer is simply talking or communing to God, to the Universe or to the Divine.  It is connecting yourself with the Infinite and effective prayer will result to an answered prayer or receiving inspiration through your subconscious mind.  It is uniting you with the Divine.

                So what prayer has to do with the subconscious mind?  Prayer is one effective way of conditioning your subconscious mind to make your desire come true. 

                Why is it most of our prayers are still unanswered or worse, you get the opposite of what you are praying.  Because we dwell on the things we don’t want, our subconscious mind will bring them to our life.

                To pray effectively, focus on the things you desire or want to achieve rather than focusing on the negative.  The Law of Attraction is in control.  Instead of saying, “I don’t want to be poor”, turn it into positive by affirming, “I am open to receive abundant wealth.”

                Now let us talk about belief.  Do you wonder why many prayers have been answered regardless of the religion or affiliation of the petitioner?  It is the belief that makes a prayer effective. 

                Belief is simply believing what you ask in prayer will come to a reality without a doubt.  When you pray with your conscious and subconscious mind does not in conflict then you will surely receive whatever you ask for.  Take away any doubt, fear and negative belief system out of your mind and you will succeed.

                Make use of the power of your subconscious mind to answer all your desire or prayer!

                Another important aspect for an effective prayer is when you are living for God's glory and living according to the perfect will of God for your life.

                Read my other post about living for God's glory.

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