Monday, December 23, 2013

Living in the Moment

            Living in the moment means to be free of the negative emotional baggage of the past and enjoying the present moment while not letting the future rob you of the happiness you will be having right now.
            Negative emotional baggage includes unresolved issues, guilt, anger and pains from the past that keeps on surfacing in one’s head.
            Most people are carrying extra baggage on their life’s journey by letting their past pains enter into their mind and gain control over it.  This will rob the person some energy to cope with life stresses, making the person confuse. 
            Removing the emotional baggage of the past means accepting everything that happens in the pasts as it is.  Past is past and we having nothing to do about it.  Instead of having some regrets over your past mistakes and failures, learn from them and making them as a stepping stone toward success.  Make your failures as your friend that can guide you to make better decision at the moment.
            Acceptance means also to forgive those that hurt you in the past including yourself.  Forgiving others that hurt you is not giving favor for that person but first and for most you give yourself a big favor.  By not forgiving is to allow that same person to hurt you over and over again through your mind.  Study shows that an unforgiving spirit weakens our immune system and giving us unbalanced hormones.
             Living in the moment means to let go or surrender everything to God.  Anxiety will rob a person to live in the moment.  Letting go means you don’t worry over the future but instead surrendering it all to God by trusting Him that whatever might happen it will be for your own good.  Trusting God that he can help you or guide you to reach your goals in life is what it means to let go.
            Psychologists at Harvard University collected information on the daily activities, thoughts and feelings of 2,250 volunteers to find out how often they were focused on what they were doing, and what made them most happy.  They found that people were happiest when having sex, exercising or in conversation, and least happy when working, resting or using a home computer. And although subjects' minds were wandering nearly half of the time, this consistently made them less happy.  The team conclude that reminiscing, thinking ahead or daydreaming tends to make people more miserable, even when they are thinking about something pleasant (Sample, 210, Retrieved 2013).
            Don’t worry….
            Be happy right now…..
            Fill your days with gratitude……..
            Contentment of what you have….

            Living in the moment is to have control over your mind at the present and enjoying the experience in the here are now.  You are free of the emotional extra baggage of the past and the anxiety giving thoughts of the future.  

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