Sunday, December 22, 2013

The Five Important Assets

 There are five assets that man needs to improve and develop for survival.  These assets include money, time, health and skills.  Having these assets will help one to reach whatever goals he wanted to reach. 
            Wise management of money can help a person reach his goal.  He can easily acquire anything he needed in realizing his goal.  Say for example a noble goal of building an orphanage can be materialized faster if one has a lot of money. 
            God does not condemn having enough money because it eases life but what He condemns is making money to be the center of our life or using it for selfish and evil purposes.
            Many desired to be rich but never become rich because in the first place they unconsciously being programmed by their church or from parents that money are evil things.  Unless you have a positive impression on money you will never attract it into your life.
            Those who use money for fulfilling their necessities, acquiring reasonable comforts and for the welfare of a common good are the masters of money.  But those who earn money just for the sake of increasing its volume and number are slaves of the money.  They are the most unfortunate creatures of God who know well that whatever money they are earning, can’t be taken an iota of that when they die even they are minting more and more money (Mol, 2012, Retrieved 2013).

            We are given by God the same time – 24 hours each day but successful people knows how to prioritized things and manage their time wisely.  They focus and spend most of their time to the things that matters most and spend it to people who are close to them.
            In the morning write your things to do in a piece of paper.  Do the most important thing and urgent first one at a time and finish it before proceeding to the next item.  Those tasks that are not accomplished can be carried for the next day. Every minute spend in planning save ten minutes in execution. The purpose of “personal strategic planning” is for you to increase your “return energy,” and return on the mental, emotional, physical, and spiritual capital you have invested in your life and career (Tracy B. , 2013).
Doing this simple habit can increase your performance tremendously and will make you not to forget important things to accomplish.  You will feel good and feeling satisfy as you finish each tasks. 
            Using money can increase your performance by hiring people.  Business owners hire people to work for them.  By hiring people you delegate your task to others and therefore free yourself of some time to be used to those things and person that matters most. 

            It would be nice if the skills ones develop are anchored based on his aptitude and passion.  The skills that are based on the aptitude are abilities innate to a person.  These abilities are being engraved on the genes by God and perhaps the very hint of God’s calling and purpose for one’s life.  Develop skills not only based on aptitude but as well on interest or passion.
Develop those skills that will make you expert and be the best in your chosen field.  All successful people are good at something.
            Successful people are people who follow their passion and do it every day not because they are told to do so but because they love doing it.  They have always that energy to do it again and again.  Works now becomes a play and they acquire satisfaction doing it.  The key here is constant practice makes one perfect.  Daniel Pink, in his book Drive, cites research that shows the opportunity to build mastery is one of the three most motivating things for most people, professionally (Pink, Andersen, Retrieved 2013).
            They make some ways to be the best in their field by reading books related to their fields attending seminar, listening to audios, watching videos about it and doing some other ways to  improve this skills.
            Once they become competent of their skills and use it to bless others then people will discover their true meaning in life.  Money will start to flow to you freely during this condition.
            What makes people become great is that they develop some skills and use them to benefit others and use it to glorify God. 

            Another important aspect a person needs to develop is health.  Good health will make the person endure the challenges he is facing every day and sustains him to do his life’s purpose.
            Developing good health includes eating more of a plant based diet as well following some laws of health such as regular exercise, receiving enough sleep at night, having a peaceful mind, in short living a healthy lifestyle.  
            The more man eats a plant based diet and raw foods the more he will receive enzymes that will aid his body to function efficiently. 
            Having a good ample sleep will also preserve our vital energies and will prepare us for the next day activities.

            All our body functions are governed by our brain.  When the person is in control of his mind, he can use his mind to command his body for preservation.  What is less well known is how your thoughts influence your physical, emotional, and even spiritual health (Maria, 2011, Retrieved 2013).  

             Treat each person nicely especially your immediate family members. Don't take them for granted

since they are the one who will stay with you through thick and thin.

              Maintain your friends as you enlarge the circle of your friends. As possible only associate yourself

more with positive friends and avoid people who are naysayers.

              Don't be afraid to ask help from other people but don't take advantage of them. Always remember

the people who in one way or another had helped you in the past.  Repay them goodness as well.

              Don't hesitate to help other people who are in need as a way of paying forward your blessings.

             However, having these assets alone will not determine success and real happiness but will become a curse if misuse for selfish and evil purposes.  Just like knowing how to use the three levels of the mind but using it for selfish and evil acts can bring sadness and sorrow the same is true with these four assets. The success lies on right management and using it for noble cause that will help others and bring glory to God. 

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