Sunday, December 29, 2013

Being Positive in Every Situation

            Negativity confuses the mind to think clearly making the mind incapable to make sound decision resulting to inefficiency and a troubled mind.
            There are ways how to make your mind stay on positive things.  These ways include thinking happy moments from the past for 15 seconds, giving gratitude to God for the happy memories you have for 15 minutes and emptying your mind of any thought.  These three exercises will strengthen your brain muscles to make you in control of your mind rather than allowing your mind to control you.
            Make a habit whenever you feel depressed or down to think of the happiest moment of your life for about 15 seconds.  Hold that thought and live again that memory.  Use your five senses to experience again that happiest moment in your thought.  You will be surprised that after making this exercise will make your mind clearer to face your life’s struggle.
            Write those happy memories in a notebook.  Each day think about it and use the same process above only then instead of 15 seconds you do it for 15 minutes but this time with your eyes open from time to time seeing your list as your guide.
            Practice emptying your mind.  This works the same with a computer.  Whenever our computer hangs up the first and quick solution is to restart it to make it works again.  Emptying your mind without thinking any thoughts for as long as you can will restart your brain making you to think clearly again. 
            Being positive means allowing only those things that are good and pleasant to pass on to your conscious mind.  These thoughts will later be stored on your subconscious mind.  Having a lot of positive thoughts deposited in one’s subconscious mind will greatly affect your behavior and emotions for good.  You will have tremendous energy that can surpass the stress and challenges each day.  Study shows that positive thoughts boast the immune system to fight against bacteria and other harmful invaders.

            What researchers are now realizing is that positive beliefs don't just work by quelling stress. They have a positive effect too - feeling safe and secure, or believing things will turn out fine, seems to help the body maintain and repair itself. A recent analysis of various studies concluded that the health benefits of such positive thinking happen independently of the harm caused by negative states such as pessimism or stress, and are roughly comparable in magnitude (Psychosomatic Medicine, vol 70, p 741, Marchant, 2011, Retrieved 2013).

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