Sunday, December 29, 2013

How to Use Your Subconscious Mind For Good?

The only limitation of the Subconscious Mind is that it is the servant of your Conscious Mind.  It means that whatever your Conscious Mind dwells upon, your Subconscious Mind will work to make those things a reality.

For example, when you think of abundance always, your subconscious will sooner or later bring abundance to your life.   The same is true with the opposite, if you focus on lack, you will find yourself always lacking of the things you need and want.

How to train your Subconscious Mind?  You can use the power of repetitive positive affirmation, suggestion and imagination combined with positive feelings such as love, forgiveness, and gratitude.

You can apply the Power of your Subconscious Mind in all areas of your life, be on health, wealth, relationship or business success or even getting rid of bad habits such as addiction or negative feelings of anger, fear, etc.  A person who is suffering from a certain disease can heal himself. 

Here how it works.  The best time to train your Subconscious Mind is during a drowsy state – minutes before you go to sleep at night or after waking up in the morning.

Just relax your body and mind and repeat your desire or goal by saying it over and over again, for example, “The Divine touches my body and I am in perfect health.  Every cell of my body is working properly and I am whole.”  Make this as a lullaby until you go to sleep at night or before you get out from your bed in the morning.  You can make your own statement as long as it is constructed in a positive way.

You can also use your imagination by imagining yourself that you already receive healing and you are whole.  You can imagine your loved one being happy for your healing or your doctor saying to you, “It’s a miracle!” you are whole now. 

Just be creative in your imagination and affirmation. 

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