Sunday, January 5, 2014

Trials Are Blessings In Disguise

God is good and He is love that He always thinks for the good of us all.  The frequent question we most ask is, "If God is love why He allows this problem or sufferings to happen in my life?"

Before we will answer this question, we go back first to where sufferings and pains started.  

When man sinned against God, suffering, sickness and pains started.

God is not responsible of those pains and well in fact created man perfect. But because God's law is unchangeable there is always a consequence of sin.

So God is not really responsible of all the sufferings in this world and this are but merely consequences of our disobedience to Him. God loves us with an unconditional love that He loves us no matter what we had done and forgives us if we come to Him.  He loves the being but hates the bad doings.

In His love God can turn the trials of this life into a blessing in disguise.

Trials protect us.  One man was fired in his job but only to find out that it was a blessing to save him from being hurt when their company building a few days after he was fired out was burned and many of his coworkers got injured.  Why only this man was spared of this disaster? I don't know but this illustrates that sometimes a bad thing that happens to us is a blessing in disguise.

Trials reveal who we truly are.  Look at a tea bag.  When you put it in a hot water you will taste what's in the inside of it.  God sometimes tests us if we still remain loyal to Him even disappointments surrounds us or we just serve Him in good times but blame Him or forsake Him in bad times. 

Trials make us stronger and mold us to become a better person.   A cancer survivor dedicate her life in helping cancer patients and empathize with them, this is but a one classic example of how tragedy turns out to be a blessing in disguise.

Trials put us in the right track.   Sometimes when things goes well, we fail to pose for a moment to thank God or spent time with Him but when the storms or life assails us we begin to feel that God is near. 

Trials purify us.  A gold stone must need to pass through a purifying heat before we can see it's true beauty. God see something precious in us that only the trials of these life can purify us and make us a better person.

"All things work together for good, to those who love God and who are called according to His purpose." - Romans 8:28

Yes, trials are painful but in the end we will understand why God allows this to happen.  Just trust Him now and allow Him to mold us in this painful process.

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