Wednesday, December 9, 2015

Success Hormones

      When you think negatively your body produces cortisol that put you in a state of fight or flight, that when too much shuts your mind and you think blank. When the cycle continues your body organs weaken and you feel stress. When not corrected in the long run you will got sick.
      But when you think positively your body produces dopamine, serotonine, oxytocin and endorphine that makes you feel happy, satisfied, achieve more, and love and care for others. These hormones are called success hormones, that if you know how to trigger this you will become resilient, improve self confidence and become successful.
     Here are the pratical ways to trigger these hormones.
1. hug someone; connecting friends in face book, touch your love ones - produces oxytocine (makes you become emphatic and care for others)
2. laugh, exercise, eat chocolate- produces endorphine ( gives you the feeling of happiness)
3. say thank you, congratulate yourself when achieving something, - gives you dopamine (propels you to crave for more achievements) and serotonine ( gives you the feeling of 

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