Sunday, December 29, 2013

Living for God’s Glory

Without this quality everything else will be put in vain.  A life that is only live for selfish gain will somehow give temporary happiness and not complete. Living for God’s glory is using your all resources, body, mind and spirit for serving the humanity fulfilling God’s purpose for your life.

Living for God’s glory means discovering God’s purpose in your life. Ones you are in-line with the Divine plan, you will see your prayers getting answered faster.

What’s the use of having everything but having no God in your life? The greatest quality a man needs to possess is to be one with God and giving everything he does for the glory of God. Whether therefore you eat, or drink, or whatsoever you do, do all to the glory of God (1 Cor. 10:31).

Living for God’s glory means following His perfect will.

There are three types of God’s will. The perfect will of God, the permissive will of God and the painful will of God.

Discovering God's perfect will takes commitment and effort. You will seek Me and find Me when you search for Me with all your heart (Jeremiah 29:13). But when you discover it and apply it in your life, it is very rewarding.

Spend time with God daily by reading the Bible and prayer. In the Bible you will know more about God and His will. You grow daily in faith with God and receive the power of the Holy Spirit. God will use you and bless you for His glory but you need first to be connected to Him daily.

In the Bible you will not find specific answers but what you find is principles that you can make us a guide to your living.

The permissive will of God allows you to choose and follow your own decisions but you will not be living as powerful and rewarding than when you are living in the perfect will of God for your life.

When you live contrary to God’s will and in violation to His principles found in the Bible, you are living in the painful will of God. Some might experience apparent success but in the long run they find themselves in trouble. God gives us freedom of choice.

 When we choose to follow God’s perfect will in our lives as found in the Bible then we are living for God’s glory and God will use you mightily.

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