Wednesday, October 31, 2012

The Law of Attraction

          “Finally, brethren, whatsoever things are true, whatsoever things are honest, whatsoever things are just, whatsoever things are pure, whatsoever things are lovely, whatsoever things are of good report; if there be any virtue, and if there be any praise, think on these things.”
Philippians 4:8

                The Law of Attraction is the fundamental law one must know in order to succeed in life.  If you understand this law, almost everything will be possible to you.  By complying in this law, you can have the wealth, health, relationship and happiness you want to have in life. 

                So what is the law of attraction? The law of attraction states that whatever you think, that thing or thought will be attracted in your life.  If you think negative thoughts you are attracting negative things and if you think positive thoughts you are attracting positive things.  Say for example, if you think you will get sick then for sure you will be sick but if you think you will not be sick then I am confident that you will never be.

                So be careful with what you think of.  The things you don’t like that will happen to you but you always think of will more likely come to you.  So avoid thinking negative thoughts but instead focus your mind on the positive things you like to attract only things that brought happiness in your life.

                There are two principles under the Law of Attraction. The first is “opposite things attracts” and the second one is “like things attracts as well.”  Like for instance, you are surprise to discover that the qualities you don’t like for a mate are there in your present partner because you attracted it by your constant thought. Fortunately, many got their ideal mate because they are focusing their mind on the qualities they want for a mate.

                Now that you already know the Law of Attraction, make use of this law to change your life for the better.  Train your mind to be positive and only attract the good in life.

Life is so beautiful!

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