Sunday, December 29, 2013

How to Use Your Subconscious Mind For Good?

The only limitation of the Subconscious Mind is that it is the servant of your Conscious Mind.  It means that whatever your Conscious Mind dwells upon, your Subconscious Mind will work to make those things a reality.

For example, when you think of abundance always, your subconscious will sooner or later bring abundance to your life.   The same is true with the opposite, if you focus on lack, you will find yourself always lacking of the things you need and want.

How to train your Subconscious Mind?  You can use the power of repetitive positive affirmation, suggestion and imagination combined with positive feelings such as love, forgiveness, and gratitude.

You can apply the Power of your Subconscious Mind in all areas of your life, be on health, wealth, relationship or business success or even getting rid of bad habits such as addiction or negative feelings of anger, fear, etc.  A person who is suffering from a certain disease can heal himself. 

Here how it works.  The best time to train your Subconscious Mind is during a drowsy state – minutes before you go to sleep at night or after waking up in the morning.

Just relax your body and mind and repeat your desire or goal by saying it over and over again, for example, “The Divine touches my body and I am in perfect health.  Every cell of my body is working properly and I am whole.”  Make this as a lullaby until you go to sleep at night or before you get out from your bed in the morning.  You can make your own statement as long as it is constructed in a positive way.

You can also use your imagination by imagining yourself that you already receive healing and you are whole.  You can imagine your loved one being happy for your healing or your doctor saying to you, “It’s a miracle!” you are whole now. 

Just be creative in your imagination and affirmation. 

The Power of the Subconscious Mind

                Our Subconscious Mind has the power to make our goals and dreams become a reality.   Miss using it, can ruin our life!  So what is the Subconscious Mind and how can we use it as a powerful tool in achieving anything we desire in life?

                The Subconscious Mind is what makes our actions become automatic.  It works like a computer program that conditions our body to do specific actions in the form of a habit or doing day to day activities.  For example, you don’t need to think and be conscious of your every step you are taking when you are walking.

                The Subconscious Mind never sleeps.  It controls all the functions of your body systems such as heart beating, the circulation of your blood and other important roles necessary for your survival.

                Knowing everything, the Subconscious Mind reveals secret and can guide you towards your goal if you know how to use it in the right way.  The Subconscious Mind is our gateway in receiving inspiration from God or The Universe.

Your Subconscious Mind is not limited with space and time so that you can employ it for the benefit of a loved one living in another area without physically being there.

If the Subconscious mind is so powerful and amazing, why is it that not everyone is happy, healthy or successful?  The answer lies with how you use your Subconscious Mind. 

The only limitation of the Subconscious Mind is his being subject to your Conscious Mind.  We will talk about it in my next email.  We will also review how to use your Subconscious Mind correctly. 

 The Power of Your Subconsciousmind ---------------->

The Road To Success Is Downhill

The road to success is not uphill but downhill.  When you view this way you will find your journey toward success as fun and easy with less struggle or no struggle at all.

Traditionally people view the road to success as uphill.  Going uphill requires strength and more struggle to reach the top and therefore there is no fun doing it but hardship.  This might be true but your life will be filled of painstaking effort just to reach your dreams.

But when you started viewing the road to success as downhill, you will begin to enjoy your every journey. The journey will be no effort at all.  The process of attaining your goal would be much more enjoyable than reaching your goal.  

Most people don't reach their goals in life because they are afraid to try or make mistakes.

Successful people are bold people.  They do something that other people are afraid to do.  A person who lives always in safe mode will not go anywhere.  But success favors the bold.

Don't be afraid to fail but instead make failures as your friend by learning from it.  Understand that failures only reveal things that do not work out.  So don't be afraid to fail.

Trusting God and letting go of your plans to Him frees you of worry and making your journey easy and fun. God will provide all your needs to reach your dreams in life as long as you trust on Him.

The Importance Of Knowing Yourself

Knowing yourself is a very important task that one has to undertake and the most challenging as well. When one knows who he is and clearly understands what he wants, then he has a better option of discovering how to reach his own success, personal fulfillment and happiness.

Knowing one’s true and inner self will be of great help in working to reach one’s goals more effectively.  It will guide one through the path to success.  It will transport one to such calmness so to improve one’s attitude as well as one’s relationships and connections with others.

Psychologists devote their time helping individuals see and understand things within their inner self which they have long been suppressing from their own selves.  This is natural, as people are skilled at such hiding games.  Often, when one does not wish cope with a certain circumstance or situation, one denies that it had transpired, or translate it so to fit another different perception of the world. 

Knowing yourself consequently, empowers and enables you to create different choices.

Success easily comes to those with pleasing personalities. However, this does not necessarily mean that one needs do what everyone wishes; rather, acquire a positive attitude of being respectful to the opinion of others at the same time remaining true to one’s own beliefs.

Don't expect to suddenly go on a certain course and immediately become aware and know yourself.  This is a voyage where one can board and allow it to transform one’s life, for the better. The success of such journey depends deeply on how bravely you face yourself; on the way, you might discover certain things that you do not like and possibly opt to hide or deny it.  Be strong and accept those negative things because it is only by accepting your faults can you truly change for the better.

Be open to accept and listen to the opinion of others, eager and willing to learn. Changing your judgment and views on account of more reliable facts is not a sign of weakness but of strength in your character. Always be inclined to offer help, be caring and polite but do not forget to keep your own personality.

The basic principle of knowing yourself is that every individual is responsible, in control and generate their own life encounter. This is a process very much complex that may be severely obstructed when one is unconscious of how one functions, or if one has a misunderstanding of thyself.

Rationalizations are used by many to give justifiable explanation for their actions. One can pretend that the problem is to be blamed on the other person. This is known as projection.

You therefore need to discover and improve your true person and not what others perceive you to be, and also not who you believe you must be, but the person that you truly are. How you manage your life, guide others, take charge, perform and behave in relationships really depends on how effectively you use your strengths and identify your weaknesses that you will discover when you truly know your "self."

Understand how you could guard yourself against responses triggered by emotions. You are vulnerable to miscalculation of judgment should you permit your emotions to interfere. Indeed, everything that one does is based on one’s emotions, but angry or careless emotions does not have a place when it comes to decision making. Take control of your emotions and delay conclusions, decisions and choices when in a very emotional state.

Develop enthusiasm in yourself. Enthusiasm draws good relationships and success. It is that positive outlook that radiates on you that individuals like dealing with. Your positive and enthusiastic outlook will contaminate and encourage those around you to also be enthusiastic and positive, therefore become cooperative.

Also, be ready to face unreasonable and negative people and never let them destroy you. Stay reasonable and calm.

Knowing yourself will enable you to develop your full potential and be happy, contented and fulfilled.  Whether one’s idea and understanding of success speaks about fulfillment in  business, friendship, love, sports, a blend of all these or another thing altogether, knowing yourself and working on to change for the better will enable you to achieve your goals. Then when you reach your goals, indeed you will turn out to be a much happier person.  And that is success in its truest sense.

The best place to know more of yourself is by reading the Bible.  There you will see your true worth and identity as being the object of God's love.

How to Effectively Pray?

               Today we are going to talk about prayer and belief in relation with your subconscious mind.  Let us talk about prayer first.

                No matter what is your affiliation, belief or religion, I bet you do pray.  Prayer is simply talking or communing to God, to the Universe or to the Divine.  It is connecting yourself with the Infinite and effective prayer will result to an answered prayer or receiving inspiration through your subconscious mind.  It is uniting you with the Divine.

                So what prayer has to do with the subconscious mind?  Prayer is one effective way of conditioning your subconscious mind to make your desire come true. 

                Why is it most of our prayers are still unanswered or worse, you get the opposite of what you are praying.  Because we dwell on the things we don’t want, our subconscious mind will bring them to our life.

                To pray effectively, focus on the things you desire or want to achieve rather than focusing on the negative.  The Law of Attraction is in control.  Instead of saying, “I don’t want to be poor”, turn it into positive by affirming, “I am open to receive abundant wealth.”

                Now let us talk about belief.  Do you wonder why many prayers have been answered regardless of the religion or affiliation of the petitioner?  It is the belief that makes a prayer effective. 

                Belief is simply believing what you ask in prayer will come to a reality without a doubt.  When you pray with your conscious and subconscious mind does not in conflict then you will surely receive whatever you ask for.  Take away any doubt, fear and negative belief system out of your mind and you will succeed.

                Make use of the power of your subconscious mind to answer all your desire or prayer!

                Another important aspect for an effective prayer is when you are living for God's glory and living according to the perfect will of God for your life.

                Read my other post about living for God's glory.

Living for God’s Glory

Without this quality everything else will be put in vain.  A life that is only live for selfish gain will somehow give temporary happiness and not complete. Living for God’s glory is using your all resources, body, mind and spirit for serving the humanity fulfilling God’s purpose for your life.

Living for God’s glory means discovering God’s purpose in your life. Ones you are in-line with the Divine plan, you will see your prayers getting answered faster.

What’s the use of having everything but having no God in your life? The greatest quality a man needs to possess is to be one with God and giving everything he does for the glory of God. Whether therefore you eat, or drink, or whatsoever you do, do all to the glory of God (1 Cor. 10:31).

Living for God’s glory means following His perfect will.

There are three types of God’s will. The perfect will of God, the permissive will of God and the painful will of God.

Discovering God's perfect will takes commitment and effort. You will seek Me and find Me when you search for Me with all your heart (Jeremiah 29:13). But when you discover it and apply it in your life, it is very rewarding.

Spend time with God daily by reading the Bible and prayer. In the Bible you will know more about God and His will. You grow daily in faith with God and receive the power of the Holy Spirit. God will use you and bless you for His glory but you need first to be connected to Him daily.

In the Bible you will not find specific answers but what you find is principles that you can make us a guide to your living.

The permissive will of God allows you to choose and follow your own decisions but you will not be living as powerful and rewarding than when you are living in the perfect will of God for your life.

When you live contrary to God’s will and in violation to His principles found in the Bible, you are living in the painful will of God. Some might experience apparent success but in the long run they find themselves in trouble. God gives us freedom of choice.

 When we choose to follow God’s perfect will in our lives as found in the Bible then we are living for God’s glory and God will use you mightily.


  A person who is inner-directed knows specifically and clearly what he wants.  This means that he has a vision or a goal based on his own conviction and not because others told you to do so. 
            They see clearly what would be their life by constantly fixing on that goal each day and visualizing self as if you have already attained that goal.  Where there is no vision, the people perish (Psalm 29:18).  As one does this, the whole system of that person including mind, body and spirit is being ready to achieve that goal.  The person will be alert to see opportunities, even connections toward persons related to that goal.  Inspiration from God will come in as you have that peace and a clear mind. The only left to do is action and you are brought each day closer toward your dreams.

            Another aspect of being inner directed is being fully responsible of your own destiny.  You are not putting your success upon other people, the government, the situation, affiliation but making success dependent from within.  It’s our own choice that makes up our life and we are responsible of our both successes and failures.  Even when there is no opportunity, an inner directed person makes his own opportunity.
           Inner-directed person learn to master the circumstances rather than allowing the circumstances to master them.  We don't have control over our environment but we do have complete control over our thoughts and how we interpret every event we experience.  
           They take full responsibility over the success of their lives and drew strength from within.  They know that they can make a difference in the world by working on themselves first and then influence others.

Being Positive in Every Situation

            Negativity confuses the mind to think clearly making the mind incapable to make sound decision resulting to inefficiency and a troubled mind.
            There are ways how to make your mind stay on positive things.  These ways include thinking happy moments from the past for 15 seconds, giving gratitude to God for the happy memories you have for 15 minutes and emptying your mind of any thought.  These three exercises will strengthen your brain muscles to make you in control of your mind rather than allowing your mind to control you.
            Make a habit whenever you feel depressed or down to think of the happiest moment of your life for about 15 seconds.  Hold that thought and live again that memory.  Use your five senses to experience again that happiest moment in your thought.  You will be surprised that after making this exercise will make your mind clearer to face your life’s struggle.
            Write those happy memories in a notebook.  Each day think about it and use the same process above only then instead of 15 seconds you do it for 15 minutes but this time with your eyes open from time to time seeing your list as your guide.
            Practice emptying your mind.  This works the same with a computer.  Whenever our computer hangs up the first and quick solution is to restart it to make it works again.  Emptying your mind without thinking any thoughts for as long as you can will restart your brain making you to think clearly again. 
            Being positive means allowing only those things that are good and pleasant to pass on to your conscious mind.  These thoughts will later be stored on your subconscious mind.  Having a lot of positive thoughts deposited in one’s subconscious mind will greatly affect your behavior and emotions for good.  You will have tremendous energy that can surpass the stress and challenges each day.  Study shows that positive thoughts boast the immune system to fight against bacteria and other harmful invaders.

            What researchers are now realizing is that positive beliefs don't just work by quelling stress. They have a positive effect too - feeling safe and secure, or believing things will turn out fine, seems to help the body maintain and repair itself. A recent analysis of various studies concluded that the health benefits of such positive thinking happen independently of the harm caused by negative states such as pessimism or stress, and are roughly comparable in magnitude (Psychosomatic Medicine, vol 70, p 741, Marchant, 2011, Retrieved 2013).

Monday, December 23, 2013

Living in the Moment

            Living in the moment means to be free of the negative emotional baggage of the past and enjoying the present moment while not letting the future rob you of the happiness you will be having right now.
            Negative emotional baggage includes unresolved issues, guilt, anger and pains from the past that keeps on surfacing in one’s head.
            Most people are carrying extra baggage on their life’s journey by letting their past pains enter into their mind and gain control over it.  This will rob the person some energy to cope with life stresses, making the person confuse. 
            Removing the emotional baggage of the past means accepting everything that happens in the pasts as it is.  Past is past and we having nothing to do about it.  Instead of having some regrets over your past mistakes and failures, learn from them and making them as a stepping stone toward success.  Make your failures as your friend that can guide you to make better decision at the moment.
            Acceptance means also to forgive those that hurt you in the past including yourself.  Forgiving others that hurt you is not giving favor for that person but first and for most you give yourself a big favor.  By not forgiving is to allow that same person to hurt you over and over again through your mind.  Study shows that an unforgiving spirit weakens our immune system and giving us unbalanced hormones.
             Living in the moment means to let go or surrender everything to God.  Anxiety will rob a person to live in the moment.  Letting go means you don’t worry over the future but instead surrendering it all to God by trusting Him that whatever might happen it will be for your own good.  Trusting God that he can help you or guide you to reach your goals in life is what it means to let go.
            Psychologists at Harvard University collected information on the daily activities, thoughts and feelings of 2,250 volunteers to find out how often they were focused on what they were doing, and what made them most happy.  They found that people were happiest when having sex, exercising or in conversation, and least happy when working, resting or using a home computer. And although subjects' minds were wandering nearly half of the time, this consistently made them less happy.  The team conclude that reminiscing, thinking ahead or daydreaming tends to make people more miserable, even when they are thinking about something pleasant (Sample, 210, Retrieved 2013).
            Don’t worry….
            Be happy right now…..
            Fill your days with gratitude……..
            Contentment of what you have….

            Living in the moment is to have control over your mind at the present and enjoying the experience in the here are now.  You are free of the emotional extra baggage of the past and the anxiety giving thoughts of the future.  

Sunday, December 22, 2013

The Five Important Assets

 There are five assets that man needs to improve and develop for survival.  These assets include money, time, health and skills.  Having these assets will help one to reach whatever goals he wanted to reach. 
            Wise management of money can help a person reach his goal.  He can easily acquire anything he needed in realizing his goal.  Say for example a noble goal of building an orphanage can be materialized faster if one has a lot of money. 
            God does not condemn having enough money because it eases life but what He condemns is making money to be the center of our life or using it for selfish and evil purposes.
            Many desired to be rich but never become rich because in the first place they unconsciously being programmed by their church or from parents that money are evil things.  Unless you have a positive impression on money you will never attract it into your life.
            Those who use money for fulfilling their necessities, acquiring reasonable comforts and for the welfare of a common good are the masters of money.  But those who earn money just for the sake of increasing its volume and number are slaves of the money.  They are the most unfortunate creatures of God who know well that whatever money they are earning, can’t be taken an iota of that when they die even they are minting more and more money (Mol, 2012, Retrieved 2013).

            We are given by God the same time – 24 hours each day but successful people knows how to prioritized things and manage their time wisely.  They focus and spend most of their time to the things that matters most and spend it to people who are close to them.
            In the morning write your things to do in a piece of paper.  Do the most important thing and urgent first one at a time and finish it before proceeding to the next item.  Those tasks that are not accomplished can be carried for the next day. Every minute spend in planning save ten minutes in execution. The purpose of “personal strategic planning” is for you to increase your “return energy,” and return on the mental, emotional, physical, and spiritual capital you have invested in your life and career (Tracy B. , 2013).
Doing this simple habit can increase your performance tremendously and will make you not to forget important things to accomplish.  You will feel good and feeling satisfy as you finish each tasks. 
            Using money can increase your performance by hiring people.  Business owners hire people to work for them.  By hiring people you delegate your task to others and therefore free yourself of some time to be used to those things and person that matters most. 

            It would be nice if the skills ones develop are anchored based on his aptitude and passion.  The skills that are based on the aptitude are abilities innate to a person.  These abilities are being engraved on the genes by God and perhaps the very hint of God’s calling and purpose for one’s life.  Develop skills not only based on aptitude but as well on interest or passion.
Develop those skills that will make you expert and be the best in your chosen field.  All successful people are good at something.
            Successful people are people who follow their passion and do it every day not because they are told to do so but because they love doing it.  They have always that energy to do it again and again.  Works now becomes a play and they acquire satisfaction doing it.  The key here is constant practice makes one perfect.  Daniel Pink, in his book Drive, cites research that shows the opportunity to build mastery is one of the three most motivating things for most people, professionally (Pink, Andersen, Retrieved 2013).
            They make some ways to be the best in their field by reading books related to their fields attending seminar, listening to audios, watching videos about it and doing some other ways to  improve this skills.
            Once they become competent of their skills and use it to bless others then people will discover their true meaning in life.  Money will start to flow to you freely during this condition.
            What makes people become great is that they develop some skills and use them to benefit others and use it to glorify God. 

            Another important aspect a person needs to develop is health.  Good health will make the person endure the challenges he is facing every day and sustains him to do his life’s purpose.
            Developing good health includes eating more of a plant based diet as well following some laws of health such as regular exercise, receiving enough sleep at night, having a peaceful mind, in short living a healthy lifestyle.  
            The more man eats a plant based diet and raw foods the more he will receive enzymes that will aid his body to function efficiently. 
            Having a good ample sleep will also preserve our vital energies and will prepare us for the next day activities.

            All our body functions are governed by our brain.  When the person is in control of his mind, he can use his mind to command his body for preservation.  What is less well known is how your thoughts influence your physical, emotional, and even spiritual health (Maria, 2011, Retrieved 2013).  

             Treat each person nicely especially your immediate family members. Don't take them for granted

since they are the one who will stay with you through thick and thin.

              Maintain your friends as you enlarge the circle of your friends. As possible only associate yourself

more with positive friends and avoid people who are naysayers.

              Don't be afraid to ask help from other people but don't take advantage of them. Always remember

the people who in one way or another had helped you in the past.  Repay them goodness as well.

              Don't hesitate to help other people who are in need as a way of paying forward your blessings.

             However, having these assets alone will not determine success and real happiness but will become a curse if misuse for selfish and evil purposes.  Just like knowing how to use the three levels of the mind but using it for selfish and evil acts can bring sadness and sorrow the same is true with these four assets. The success lies on right management and using it for noble cause that will help others and bring glory to God. 

Thursday, December 19, 2013

The Three Levels of the Mind

Using these three levels of the mind for the glory of God is the key to real success and long lasting happiness in this world.
On the other hand, knowing how to use these potentials but using it in a wrong way can also bring great disaster and misery.  One classic example was Hitler who somehow understood how the human mind works and used these skills to hypnotize the people of Germany to follow his selfish plans that eventually brought disaster, death and tragedy.

The Conscious Mind
            The conscious mind is the gatekeeper of our senses.  We use this level to perceive, interpret and judge whatever information we receive from our senses – touch, hearing, sight, smell and taste.  One can choose what kind of information he wants to pass to the mind – either negative or positive information.  The conscious mind serves as a filter that only allow that information we perceive to enter. 
            Man has a complete control over his conscious mind.  In Sigmund Freud's psychoanalytic theory of personality, the conscious mind consists of everything inside of our awareness. This is the aspect of our mental processing that we can think and talk about in a rational way (Kendra, Retrieved 2013).
            When one is dwelling always on the positive things, he or she is filtering those negative things to enter his mind but only allowing the positive.  Interpreting in a positive way even a bad situation is the job of the unconscious mind. 
This is also the level in which man uses in making decisions. The conscious mind weighs and analyzes things.
The secret here is focus. Whatever your conscious mind focuses each day it will eventually transformed the person to become what he always think of.  Knowing this secret will put man already half-way of reaching his goal. Visualizing yourself as already reaching your goal, reading and writing it every day will help you internalized your goals.  It will prepare yourself for receiving whatever you ask from God and develop yourself in reaching your dreams in life.

The Subconscious Mind
            If the conscious mind is the gatekeeper of our senses, the subconscious mind is the operating system that control all our body organs and functions, shapes our habits and personalities.        Whatever we allow, perceive and always think of in our conscious mind it will proceed and be accepted by the subconscious mind. 
When positive things are deposited in the subconscious the result will be a positive personality. Whatever you dwell upon you become since the subconscious mind will shape you and program you to be that thing you always think of. 
The subconscious mind never rest even when we are sleeping.  It does its work faithfully.  Those things we deposited in our subconscious mind will sometimes be express through dreams. The subconscious mind is subject to the conscious mind.  
By entering into a sleepy, drowsy state, effort is reduced to a minimum. The conscious mind is submerged to a great extent when in a sleepy state. The reason for this is that the highest degree of outcropping of the subconscious occurs prior to sleep and just after we awaken. In this state the negative thoughts, which tend to neutralize your desire and so prevent acceptance by your subconscious mind, are no longer present (Murphy, 1963, Mcgrath, Retrieved 2013).  We can tap the subconscious mind in a drowsy state.  It is in this state where the conscious mind is brought into a minimum thus the depositing of idea to the subconscious mind is faster since the filter which is the conscious mind is half awake.  It is in this way in which a Psycho hypnotist works in suggesting ideas to his client.  He brings his client into a trance and utter suggestions to him.

Knowing this secret one can tap the subconscious mind in treating disease and sickness.  Allow yourself to be very relaxed and drowsy – half awake and half asleep.  While on this state, repeat over and over again a positive statement of healing until you fall asleep.  Using visualization by imagining yourself as already healed and already performing your normal routines is also effective as using positive affirmations.  The subconscious mind will interpret those affirmations and visualizations as truth from the conscious mind and will shape your dysfunctional body organs to healing according to your request. 
Not only in healing you can use your subconscious mind but in every area of your life, be it on financial, in forming habits, love life, business and reaching your goals.  Just think about them every day especially in a drowsy state and your subconscious mind will transform you or prepare you to receive whatever you ask for. 
Whatever you think you are.  If you think you are healthy you will be healthy.  If you think you are handsome then you will be.  If you think you are rich then you will be.  If you think you are a loving person then you will be that person.

The Super-Conscious
            This is the level of the mind in which the great men are using in doing great things.  It is in this level of the mind in which Isaac Newton receive an inspiration from God through a dream to discover electricity as well as Albert Einstein doing his mathematical formula, Beethoven a deaf man composing his musical master piece and many other great fellows who did extra ordinary thing.
            This is the level of the mind in which God talks to us through His holy spirit.  It is in this level that we receive inspiration, solutions and intuitions from Him.  The Super-Conscious Mind is the source of all creativity, all intuition, all flashes of insight, all hunches. The Super-Conscious Mind is the source of inspiration and motivation and the ability to see things in a brand new way. The Super-Conscious Mind is the source of new ideas that help us move toward goal-attainment. And the super-conscious mind is available to each one of us, like a power source that we can plug into simply by finding the plug (Tracy, 2009, Retrieved 2013).
             We can use this level efficiently if we have a clear, quiet, focus, relax and peaceful, united mind with God.  A stress mind and confused mind can hardly receive inspiration from Him.  Because of busyness and anxieties of this world man can’t sense the inner voice of God. 
The one who receives inspiration is quite tranquil and unconcerned about what is coming.  Certainly he is desirous of receiving something; he is passionately longing to conceive it. It is by focusing his mind to the divine mind that, consciously or unconsciously, man receives inspiration (Khan, 2005, Retrieved 2013). 
            We can achieve this state of receiving inspiration from God through meditation.  There are many techniques being develop as a form of meditation such as listening to subliminal music, soft classical music, emptying the mind, prayer and Bible readings, and many others.
            Be specific and clearly know what you are asking and then forget about it for sometimes and do your tasks.  Sometimes inspiration will come while we are doing something and we have a strong feeling on those hunches.  Act on it right away or you will forget the very solution to your problem.  I believe the Universe (Divine, God, or whatever It is for you) sends an idea into the mental world to several people at the same time.  The Divine knows not all of those people will take action.  In a way, it’s just covering its bet.  The person who takes action on the idea fastest is first to market, and usually the first to profit the most. The others can still act on the idea and still do well, but generally speaking, the first to come out of the gate with a new idea is the first to cash in big on it (Vitale, 2007, Retrieved 2013).