Wednesday, October 19, 2016

Success Begins In The Mind

Success is characterized in various forms, also has many meanings depending on what one is seeking for in his life, relationship and career.  To athletes, success can mean obtaining that gold medal, to parents’ success can mean raising children with good moral values, to doctors, success can mean saving a life and to some it can mean a job promotion or acquiring wealth. It actually depends on one’s perspective of the life that one has. Understanding and success perceptions are as abundant as there are stars in the sky.

One apparent thing about success is that every individual has to determine the true meaning of success in his own life. The one’s who walk through life making an attempt to accomplish “success” through someone else’s standards or through the standards of one’s society will continuously be lacking of that successful feeling.

The modern dictionary defines success as that certain measure or degree of achievement or accomplishment or as a desirable and favorable outcome.

One should make a decision on what one truly wants that can offer a desirable or favorable outcome that must be in each aspect of one’s life. To accomplish success, one has to set realistic goals for his life, meaning goals that can be achieved. One should measure success as to how close one comes to accomplishing one’s goals that one has set for himself based on one’s skills and abilities.

Know that one’s “subconscious mind” is a very incredible and powerful tool that one has yet to improve and utilize it wisely to its complete capacity, to accomplish success.

To fully understand how powerful and encouraging your “subconscious mind” can be, you should understand first and recognize that there really is no “coincidence”, that nothing in life occurs just by chance. Meaning, nothing is predestined, that you have the power to control your life, to control your success and your failure.

Events or incidents in life can be maneuvered or controlled to resolve one’s problems. You have the power to change certain aspects of your life that you are not contented with.

Whereas there is no disagreeing to the actuality that one can not at all times acquire what he wants, it is likewise true that one can utilize one’s natural power over events of one’s life and cause things to move on one’s desired direction more “frequently”.

Expectation, belief and desire are three powerful forces that can help one do so. Before anything that one wishes for to occur can happen, one must desire for it to happen, should believe deeply that it will happen and one should expect that it will happen.

The “subconscious mind” generates all things in one’s life that is on the information and messages one sends to it. One is continuously and regularly sending the mind information and messages and most information sent are useless or that they are negative information functioning against you. This is why things never recuperate regardless of your efforts to make it succeed. 

It will be truly difficult to follow any success level if you are not specific and clear regarding what you believe is attainable for yourself. It is then extremely significant assess and gauge your actions, thoughts and motives as you partake your daily life. You should gain understanding and knowledge of where you are and what are you doing wrong as well as what you are doing right. Subsequently you should be ready to change for the better when and as it is needed.

Always remember that whatever you display in your beliefs, thoughts and actions are sent to the “subconscious mind”

So be very careful of your thoughts, beliefs and actions, as they are great influences to your success.  Note that if you worry constantly about not acquiring enough finances, then you will really not acquire enough; thinking that you do not have the capability to accomplish your goals, then you will never achieve any; thinking that there not enough open opportunities, then there will never be.

Why? Simply because the “subconscious mind” is constantly working on those information that you have sent and a “negative information” results to nothing but “negative reality”.

When you do accomplish your goal, stop a while and relish that certain satisfaction and pleasure of achieving a goal. Great or small, it is success; a beginning of that life that you want for yourself!

To know more how to change your mind and life click below....

Now Is The Time To Believe

Everyone has that earnest aspiration to succeed.  One’s ability to establish and accomplish goals will mold one’s happiness and success over and above any skill one can ever realize. One cannot hit the target when he cannot see it. 

The foundation and point of origin of success is that when one decides exactly what he/she really and truly want, in all aspects of his life.

If every individual has that yearning for winning, and if success is accessible to everybody, why then, only a few succeed?  This is because only a few believe in their potentials, and most of all, only a few started by defining and acknowledging a goal, and truly believe in their spirit and minds that they can achieve that goal.

Just wishing for something is so much different from being able and prepared to accept it. Nobody is ever prepared to accept anything until they truly believe that they can obtain it.

The mind must first be in a state of believing and not just hoping or wishing for something. An open mind is important in believing and a closed mind never inspires courage, faith or the power to believe.

Almost everyone had gone through difficult life encounters and experiences. These experiences and encounters usually define one’s existence, becoming important educators on life's course. However, the enemy, which is that negative force within often would recognize these difficult experiences as symbols of thyself that one is not “good enough” in order to succeed.  Simply put, this is fear from within.

Fear, according to psychologists is normal and a natural line of attack focused to life's adjustments and changes. Fear is what prevents one from doing “crazy or stupid things”; but it may be carried to a great extent. When one fears nothing, one can be considered as “mad” and “foolish” but then again, fear of almost everything, specially fear to take risks one can be considered as plain cowards. The enemy inside of you will tell you that your fear is reasonable when it is transitory.  

As the mind dictates your fear, it also dictates your thoughts and your actions.
When you believe in your mind that relationships are complicated and demand so much effort, you will indeed attract those individuals who will cause difficulty in the relationship or demand a lot of effort from you. More significantly, when you worry regarding something that you essentially believe in negative outcomes, then so the result to your actions will be.    

Of course, it does not  occur every time that you think and believe negatively, because although there is worry and apprehension inside you, there is still, in that little corner of your heart, of your mind, that you hope for a positive result, so then, that power prevents disaster from happening. Yet worrying through and through, without a small spark of hope, then beware, disaster is sure to come!

However there is so much more to faith and believing than simply creating beliefs. Possessing “positive beliefs” in the mind is the initial step towards making a positive outlook, resulting to a successful life.

Believing, take note is something entirely different. For instance you have “positive beliefs” with regards to money; at the same time, you believe that many ways are offered in order to acquire money. Yet if, for any reason you do not believe you will be able to make money, then you will not make that certain amount or sum of money that you want. 

Getting through the fear, developing how you believe:

1. Your belief should be superior, exceeding fear. It will entail a lot of effort, but as much as you can, try to closely observe and listen inside of you, look around and see what is functioning well in your personal or business life and what is not. Small or great, profess your successes. Believe that you can reach great things and as early as now, begin counting your blessings.

2. Only believe in you, in the things that you can do, and not in the circumstances. You have to believe in only yourself because there will be times when you will be tempted to put your belief into something else such as a job, a friend or a particular opportunity. Although this could be nice, note that people and circumstances are changeable. Your success should be created by only you, and you alone can decide whether to change it or not.

3. Keep in mind that success will take some time and if ever you do fail, take it as an opportunity to learn and reassess your beliefs and your goals.

The powers of believing are very strong and affect our decisions, feelings, and actions. And although you have been depending on a specific set of supposition regarding your life for so many years, those particular beliefs can be adjusted or changed. Start changing it now!
Discover the secret of a Millionaire's Mind  Click Here!

Inspiration And Success

Finding inspiration will successfully lead one through a voyage of happiness, hope and complete sense of one’s individuality. Lacking or absence of inspiration will result to exactly the opposite.

When one is inspired, it brings a certain feeling of enthusiasm about one’s life.

Inspiration to each and every individual is different.  Where some find inspiration from those that have attained a certain level of success and happiness in their lives, others are inspired by nature and its wonder. For most, inspiration is key to a life of living meaningfully. 

When one is just drifting and wandering around, with no direction as to where to go and what goal to pursue, one becomes more and more less motivated, loosing his inner self purpose and in time, become depressed.

One’s inspiration is very much determined by ones personal or career goals, and the direction that one wishes to live his life. When wanting to live an abundant life, then the inspiration will be easily found in life stories of those who have achieved success.

Definitely, one needs to acquire intelligence, to study and learn, to collect knowledge, and the skill to manage your time; however all this will be useless without motivation. And inspiration is a chief motivator and so is the craving to learn. These will be your driving force to success. Success in an undertaking leads one to gaining more pursuit and a much greater yearning to learn, resulting in growth of motivation directing towards the goal that you have set.

From inspiration springs enthusiasm.  Enthusiasm is one’s attitude of confidence, curiosity and expectation, with fragments of daring and risk.

It is a very strong force that brings vigor to one’s day and draws people. Note that pessimism, negativity, anxiety and apprehension drain the energy within you. So focus only on the positive side in every situation that you encounter; this way, things get done more easily.

So to sustain motivation, it requires rationalization that is anchored on positive outcome from endeavors. 

Finding inspiration, developing enthusiasm.

Know in your mind and your heart what you are capable of accomplishing.When uncertain, then you loose the game right there and then.  You can not ever accomplish anything when you first do not believe that you can.

Keep in mind that every act begins with either a positive or negative thought, whereby positive thoughts gains positive results.  Be very certain on what you want to do, to achieve and to become and concentrate on those thoughts each day.

Be enthusiastic in everything that you, small or big things and remember that little things when put together, become one big thing.

Act on your goals! Take the necessary steps towards achieving it and begin now. Each day, set up a plan of action and then work on it.  At the end of the day, review what you have done and record it.  Then return to your journal each week to see how well you are progressing, or if there are certain acts that needs revising or if you need to take another route.

Look at your goals each day and get inspiration from it.  Never allow negative thoughts to invade your mind. Even when you see that you are not progressing, continue and be patient.  Never let it discourage you.  Remember, as they often say “when there is a will, there is always a way”.  So stand firm and continue your struggle. 

Remember that each one encounters problems along the way; successful individuals however kept on going when others have quit.

Enhance your knowledge by indulging in inspirational and positive books, talk to successful people and never stop learning.  Keep on focusing on success, on your goals.  Minimize spending time with people of negative outlook in life as they will often drain you and bring you down.

Success is built on the inspiration of all your little dreams and decisions that you have made for a certain period.  Note that it will not come overnight instead, stone by stone; it is built, carefully, but surely.  So be patient, your time will come. 

Make that decision to succeed now.  Look into yourself and see that fire burning, ready to be ignited by inspiration’s strength and ready to soar.  Take some actions now, or else, nothing will happen and they will just remain to be a dream.

Discover the secret of a Millionaire's Mind  Click Here!

Can Chaos Lead To Success?

Worry, frustration, confusion, sleeplessness and fear are all components of the chaotic mind, making just one simple goal difficult to achieve and hindering success.

There is no success in a mind of chaos.  One needs to attain peace and calmness in the mind in order to encourage positive thoughts.

Normally one finds it very difficult to manage and control the mind. Sometimes, one may feel that the mind is similar to a balloon, blown by the wind, taken to any direction and circumstance the wind takes it. When things come out well, the mind is contented, but when things go badly, instantly the mind becomes very unhappy.

Because the mind and one’s emotions are connected, a disturbance in one will distract the coordination and harmony of the two. For instance, when one gets the result or the relationship that he wants, such as a partner, a job promotion or a new car, one bonds to it very tightly.

However, because often, these possessions and relationships are uncontrollable, the moment that one is separated from all these causes so much pain.   And all the negative emotions causes chaos.

Such mood fluctuations arise for the main reason that one is closely attached with the outside situation. However, when the mind is relaxed, one makes an inner room and clearness which enables one to control and manage the mind despite the external situation.

Gradually one develops mental balance, which is a state of the mind that is happy and positive always; confused mind moves back and forth between the intemperance of despondency and excitement.

In meditation, one can achieve a peaceful and calm mind that is free of worries and anxiety, so one can experience happiness, encouraging and attracting positive behavior; a chaotic mind, only attracts negative feelings and behavior, therefore it is a barrier to setting and achieving goals. 

With a chaotic mind one will have a hard time experiencing happiness, even when one is already in the best of circumstances.  Constant meditation trains the mind to gradually be more and more cheerful and peaceful, eventually experience balance and happiness, being able to stay positive even in the most complicated or worst situations.  This is a state of mind that is very crucial to achieving success. 

The mind is like a station, sending out energy or power signals (your beliefs and thoughts). These energy and power patterns are then grasped by the subconscious mind that is responsible for creating the circumstances, situations and events to assist one in achieving what one’s beliefs, thoughts and goals are.

The subconscious mind never distinguishes what is bad or good for you; it only acts on what instructions it receives from the conscious mind, meaning what your thoughts and beliefs are.

So while there is that desire in you that you want to accomplish a certain goal, if you do not truly believe and truly trust that will be able to, if you, with your chaotic mind constantly think about the reason why you can not achieve something rather than why it will be easy for you to do it, then you will be sending instruction to your “subconscious mind” to establish certain circumstances in which it will be difficult for you to accomplish your goals.

This is the reason why negative thoughts should be eliminated and only entertain positive thoughts, all the time.
Constant positive affirmations likewise attract positive situations, and influence the subconscious to create a situation favorable to you.  Affirmations are positive thoughts spoken with great trust, faith and absolute power that what you say, you will accomplish.

Remember, first and foremost to keep a focused mind and never entertain negative thoughts.  However, should a negative thought enter your mind, block it off with positive thinking and never, never affirm it.  For like the chaotic mind, verbal affirmations can greatly affect your attitude towards accomplishing your goals.

Never be a prisoner of the chaos in your mind.  Release all those hurts, frustration and anger that you feel deep inside. Look at the world in a different point of view and believe that you can accomplish anything as long as you have faith in you that you can.

There is no success in chaos, and chaos will not lead to success.  It is balancing the mind, releasing all stress that the mind feels, letting go of all negative thoughts and making a clear image of the life that you want to live, can there be success.

Discover the secret of a Millionaire's Mind  Click Here!

Beware Of Having A Closed Mind

Success in its broadest meaning is not limited to only monetary and material possessions. It reveals as being plentiful in countless and several forms in life and nature.  
The universal spirit of consciousness, craves to continuously manifest and express itself; this power likewise expresses its longing to demonstrate success, which is naturally wanting to develop, to grow and become bigger and stronger.
However, many realize this longing and natural inclination for growth repressed in them, because of negative thinking, unconstructive programming, and not having enough faith in their abilities and themselves. 

Every individual has dual natures. One wants the self to move forward while the other feels like pulling back. The one nature that one concentrates and cultivates on determines what one is at the final end, as both natures tries to hold and to be in control. 
One’s “will” resolves the issue alone. An individual by one utmost attempt of the “will” can change one’s whole vocation and accomplish miracles. Which is why having an open mind is very significant.  

One having a closed mind grasps to a concept without much concern for evidence. They might have even reached at their concept without supporting material evidence. As a result, when one is presented with evidence that is contradicting to their concept, they immediately dismiss it.
Whereas one having an open mind before reaching any conclusion, considers first the many evidences approving or disapproving the many interpretations of the concept. They do not just gather information. Their concern encourages them to weigh what they have learned and work towards reaching a decision or conclusion based on facts and evidences.  

An open mind allows one to magnetize opportunities and insist and continue on following opportunities, regardless of how small they appear. An open mind is open to all opportunities and possibilities, big or small. 

A closed mind however, is stubborn, wanting what the mind envisions without any delay and wanting it as exactly as what the mind perceived it to be, not willing to accept or try something else in its place, when that which the mind has envisioned can not be accomplished or reached.

When one closes his mind and becomes stubborn, one in essence tells his higher self, including the “powers of the universe” that one is not eager to mature and encounter new things, so then there will be no progress and no transformation and things in one’s life will never have a chance to improve. 

Whatever the mind can envision, the mind can create. What the mind sees, believes feels and thinks are all conveyed to the subconscious mind that then works along with the universal forces and establishes your reality centered on the visualization of the conscious mind.

Bear in mind though, that it is not sufficient to merely imagine and hope it materializes. Having the power to imagine means also having the power and the capability to work on it to achieve it.  

You can achieve it when you open up your mind to success and get rid of limiting thoughts. As to how restricted your life may be and what the circumstances present you at the moment does not really matter, because when you decide to change your attitudes and thoughts, and begin to think without notable limitations, your life’s direction will begin to change. 

Focus on possibilities, rather than limitations and expand your thoughts to what is that you believe as yourself.

Here are guidelines on how to program your thoughts for success: 

1. Continuously and abundantly display images of your “model” persons, whom you want to become, and things that you want to accomplish. Read magazines containing stories and pictures of lives that you wish to attain.  

2. Read autobiographies of successful people. Constantly read self-progress materials packed with examples and ideas of women and men who had set goals, overcome hardships and misfortunes and accomplished what they aimed for in the end. 

3. Always affirm yourself. In each undertaking, take the time to focus, “close your eyes” and set a clear mental image of the outcome.  Then repeatedly say and claim that you have already achieved it.  

4. Nourish your mind with positive thoughts before sleeping, after waking up, at lunch break, anytime.  Do not give a chance for negative thoughts to enter into your mind. 

Thoughts hold great power. Be conscious of the thoughts that comes into your mind; let the positive in, never entertain the negative.  Open up your mind to possibilities and never be afraid to try; if you fail, take it as an opportunity that you have learned so much from failing and try again.

To know more how to have an open mind that would change your life click below.